I have decided to start documenting some of my most important lessons learned as a professional instructor and life-long learner. As I have progressed through both my academic and my professional life, I have picked up way too many lessons to keep to myself. What better way to ensure that these are not all for not than to make sure they are shared with the world.
So here is what I plan to do. At least once a week I will give a glimpse into lessons I may have picked up on from the previous week and things. I will share them with a typical "issue, discussion, solution" format that I am accustomed to using. In addition to those weekly posts, I will also share historical stories and lessons that have happened from the past that have affected the way that I now teach or conduct myself as a professional.
What is the goal here? Simply put, pass on knowledge because it is useless for me to just have all of this knowledge in my head.
I will say things that challenge the status quo. I will say things that may not be fully rooted in science, but they are based on personal experience. The reader can use the information provided however they feel they need to in their own lives to continue building better human interactions for the future.
I hope this is a worthwhile journey for all of us... I will share an introduction post at the end of this first week.