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Welcome to my professional portfolio. Here you can find a multitude of things about my life, my passions, my services, and my theoretical research. First, let me tell you a little about me.


My professional experience spans 19 years as an Air Force Special Warfare Airman in the United States Air Force. I am currently the Chief of Operations for Guardian Angel and Special Tactics at the National Guard Bureau, Andrews AFB, MD. Before that, I was the regional director of instructors for the East Coast, out of Peoria, IL. I bring over 17 years of hands-on experience as an instructor, developing courses and entire curriculums. I have taught hundreds of Special Warfare instructors instructional design, change management, program evaluation, and curriculum development. Through those years of experience, I have developed an extensive toolkit for ensuring knowledge transfer for diverse student populations.


I have my Master of Science Degree from Boise State's School of Engineering, where I completed their Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning (OPWL) Program. I also have a graduate certificate in Workplace Instructional Design. With my academic credentials and professional experience, I strive to continue expanding my knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) in adult learning theories and performance improvement.


What I bring to your organization is the ability to truly understand performance improvement from within while taking a systemic view of an organization from the outside looking in. Feel free to explore this portfolio, and let's connect to see how I can help you and your organization. 


Evidenced-Based Practical Teaching

Visit my blog to for an inside peek into my thought processes, research topics, and thought-provoking articles. This will give a peek into my instructional techniques and philosophies. The overall intent is to provide ground truths on issues I have faced in my professional career to share and educate others so they can learn from my mistakes and successes.

Below you will find summaries and links to my most recent professional projects. In these projects, you will be provided a glimpse into the expertise I provide as an experienced human performance practitioner. If you prefer to see my ongoing research and thought processes, please visit and subscribe to my Dynamic Learning Blog.


A formal needs assessment targeting the Air National Guard (ANG) Tactical Air Control Party’s fitness test pass-rate performance gap. Through a systematic process, the project identified and delivered recommendations to address key performance gap causes for client implementation.


An instructional design project for the Idaho Foodbank to develop training materials for employees and volunteers on the proper storage of 100% high-risk allergen products. The project used the Learning and Performance Support (LeaPS) ID model to produce a job aid, performance assessment instrument, and instructor guide for the client.

Business Meeting


 A summative evaluation of a client’s application process designed to biannually identify top candidates for admission to an exclusive tactical training program. The evaluation identified three critical areas recommended for immediate improvement in the application process.


An instructional design project providing a client with an eLearning design document for the course development of a branched eLearning to address client performance needs.

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